Saturday, June 16, 2007

Is this thing on?

Dear Chunky Monkey,

It's been a while since we last talked. Somehow it just feels different now. I don't know why. Perhaps it's from all the stresses and pressures that we're both going through. I'm doing my best to cope up with it. How about you?

I hope that you're able to keep your head up even at the midst of all this stuff that's taking place. I don't know how tough it is to be in your position but I believe that you'll come out a stronger person. You're a lot tougher than you think you are. You're always worrying that you're not able to make the wisest choices all the time, but if you're already doing your best, then that's all that matters. Don't be too hard on yourself. All those self-inflicted pain is only causing destruction to yourself; both mentally and physically. There are some things which you just have to learn to let go. Even you've said it yourself that not everyone has the ability to change another person. You're not a saint, and no one's expecting you to be either. The only thing that matters is that you're doing your best.

Sometimes you have to remind yourself that we are all just human. We can't expect too much from others. Life would be full of dissapointments if we kept up with that attitude. It's always important to appreciate and cherish the little things in life. It's always easy to lose track of the important things in life when we focus too much on visualizing the world the way we want it to be. That's when we start straying off from the real world.

Always remember that God always promises us a rainbow after a storm. It might sound cheesy and all that cynical descriptions which you might come up with after reading that line, but it's true. And sometimes as humans, we do need a little motivation and hope to keep us moving forward. Just remember that that's His promise to us.

There's a million things which I want to say to you but I just can't bring myself to do it, at least not at the current moment. I might not be the best at saying this kind of stuff, but I just wanted you to know that no matter what happens, we're always here for you; because that's what friends are for. Take care. :]