Saturday, September 22, 2007

How about dinner tonight?

There are some things which you think you're missing and there are things which you never knew you were missing until it just strikes in at the most unexpected of times; something old and familiar, like an old blanket which used to warm you up on cold august nights when the monsoon rain is pouring outside the window.

It was just like any other Saturday 3am mornings; where I would be washing my face and getting ready for bed after the usual movie marathon. Just as I was there drying my freshly washed face on a towel, I caught a glimpse of her toothbrush. Suddenly there was this immense feeling of lost times. It reminded me of those days where I used to sleep in the bedroom instead of falling asleep on the brown curdorouy three-seater sofa with spongebob's signature laugh at the background. It was the mornings being waken up by the buzz-whirring of her electric toothbrush. Where she would allow me to sleep for another half an hour till she's done with the bathroom; then if I still cover my head with the abstract-looking comforter, she'll shake her wet comb near my face and tells me that he's on his way over to pick us up for breakfast. Those were the days which haven't happened much anymore, or not at all. Those are the days which we all have conviniently tucked to the back of our heads, and heart.

These days, it's mostly about being both emotionally and physically exhausted. So much so that not even the memories of those happy moments could repair; like the time you used to pull me in the little red wagon at the fruit orchard in canada, where I was wearing that sunflower print dress. Perhaps the damage done had been so severe that both parties are at the edge of breaking down, or worse, just letting things happen and not wanting to invest anymore feelings into it.

How could a relationship of more than two decades slowly wither and be at the brink of dying just like that? Did those memories mean nothing at all? Is it really better for both parties to just let go and go back to their own paths? Is this where the ride stops? What was going on in your mind when we were all having dinner?

Would you try to save it or would you just let it be? I want to know what do you think.


purplejelly said...

hey karen! how are u doing! i linked my blog to urs ;)

Huey Ying said...

hey :) been such a long time since we've catch up. got to noe ur blog from jan's links :) i linked ur blog to mine too :P

james tan said...

for me, i'd just let it be. based on experience, sometimes just tryin to restore a friendship to how it was like a few years (maybe even half a year ago) can be like fighting in quicksand. so jus treasuring the moments you've had in ur heart, and make the best of whatever friendship you guys stil have would be my two cents =P