Wednesday, November 17, 2010

let me play among the stars

i'll be on the flight in another 25 hours and 20 minutes.

this whole uncertainty of where life would bring me next, never fails to scare and yet excite me.

if someone were to ask me where do i picture myself in 5 years, i doubt i will be able to give them a satisfactory answer; because the truth is, i would never know. its not that i dont have a goal. i guess im one of those who literally throw all caution to the wind and take the backseat in life. i honestly believe the universe always has a way of making things work in accordance to our one ultimate goal in life.

ive been staring at the flight itinerary for the past few minutes. still stoked with the idea that this is really happening.

truth be told, as much as im excited, im also crazy-assed nervous.

im just reminding myself to let Him take over the wheel. i believe He will definitely know whats best for me.

all i have to do is enjoy the next ten days in Japan baby!